An independent guide to some of the most useful and interesting sites on the web.
The stars mark my favorite stuff...
New Stuff
- 13 things that do not make sense - from New Scientist
- 404 Research Lab - creative page not found errors
- ASCAP - use the ACE search to find out who wrote a song
- Battery University - everything you ever wanted to know
- Beginner's Guide to Rockets - neat Rocket, Thrust, and Atmosphere simulators from NASA
- British Rail Flying Saucer Patent - hmm...
- CarsDirect - online shopping (linked by request)
- CDex - free open source CD ripper
- Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - one alternative theory to Intelligent Design
- Class 4 Burning, Cutting Lasers - use at your own risk!
- Comparison of media players - including what video codecs are supported
- Designation-Systems.Net - a huge index of U.S. military aviation designation systems
- EarthCam - 25 Most Interesting Webcams of 2005
- Friends of Amateur Rocketry
- Fun LED Light - Leddies Top Drawer (linked by request)
- Gauss Rifle - build your own Magnetic Linear Accelerator (rail gun)
- Greg Miller's Guide to Lock Picking for Beginners
- How Products Are Made - everything from air bags to watches (linked by request)
- Is Your Printer Spying On You? - uh oh
- It's The End Of The World As We Know It...Again - the sky is falling!
- Keefer�s Inn Motel - a biker friendly establishment in King City, California (linked by request)
- k i l l b o y . c o m - fun with motorcycles and a camera at Deal's Gap
- Lakers Tickets (linked by request)
- List of Crazy Patents
- Load Cell Amplifier - for amateur rocket motor test stands
- - apply online (linked by request)
- Manta - business information & research (linked by request)
- The Million Dollar Homepage - now why didn't I think of this?
- Microsoft Calculator Plus - includes handy unit conversions
- apply online (linked by request)
- myFICO - get all 3 of your true FICO credit scores
- National Sex Offender Public Registry
- On the use of some MS Windows characters in HTML - for webmasters
- Panexa (Acidachrome Promanganate) - ask your doctor for a reason to take it
- PicoZip - a WinZip alternative (linked by request)
- Quick Vibrating Lockpick - DIY project
- Quantum Teleportation - it works!
- Reading Email Headers - how to do it
- Reality Uncovered - Searching for the answers, passionate about the truth
- - security tools
- ROSWELL4F: Fabrications, Fumbled Facts, and Fables - the Roswell Myth debunked
- Smokestaxx - my brother in-law's new R&B, Motown and Disco band in San Diego
- - only YOU have the power to Save Toby!
- Stephan M. Bernsee's Audio DSP Pages
- Soundproofing America - lots of info (linked by request)
- Thirty - Eight Ways to Win an Argument
- Torbtown - Freelance digital editing, actor demo reels, movies and more
- Unsolved problems in physics - there's many
- Vanishing Point: How to disappear in America without a trace
- Wilson Electronics, Inc. - cool cell phone amps and antennas
- Writely - The Web Word Processor
- - find out how much your home is worth
- 1001 Fonts - download free fonts
- 4XEM Corporation - IP network cameras and reviews (linked by request)
- - modem troubleshooting info
- ActiveWin - independent Microsoft news and information
- AnandTech - hardware analysis and news
- - how to live with the OS we love to hate
- Ascii Art Dictionary - the earliest form of computer art
- Association of Shareware Professionals - learn how to sell your software
- Axis Communications - cool network cameras and video servers
- Bootdisk.Com - boot disks and essential utilities
- CCleaner - free crap cleaner, use it to remove obscure unused files from your system
- CD-Recordable FAQ - a must read for anyone interested in CD-R technology
- Chaos Manor - Jerry Pournelle, sci-fi author, Byte and DDJ beta tester
- Charles Spurgeon's Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) Web Site
- ClickOn-CPU - the latest microprocessor news and reviews
- Computer Discount Warehouse - my professional source for hardware/software
- Computer History Museum
- ComputerHQ - an excellent source for components
- Connersville Computer Services - run by a personal friend of mine in Florida
- Curt's High Speed Modem FAQ
- Data Communications Cabling FAQ
- DevX - software development resources
- Digiconcepts - a great source for cheap computer parts (linked by request)
- Download and Build Quake II for .NET - as long as you have nothing better to do
- The Emulator Zone - video game and computer emulators
- eWeek - excellent IS/IT news
- FDISK.COM - hard disk info
- FireDaemon for WinNT/2K - load any app as a service
- Free Atomic Clock Sync utility
- Frequently Asked Questions About Fonts - well, maybe not that frequent
- Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview - a cool PostScript language interpreter for Windows
- GIMP - the free GNU Image Manipulation Program
- Graphics File Formats FAQ (Part 3 of 4): Where to Get File Format Specifications
- HardwareCentral - in-depth computer hardware info
- How do I clone/backup a hard disk under Windows?
- How to Run Legacy Applications Using Windows XP
- IEEE Computer Society
- Intel Secrets, Bugs and Undocumented Opcodes
- The International Obfuscated C Code Contest - bad programming style to the extreme
- IsoBuster - CD and DVD data recovery
- Jasc - makers of Paint Shop Pro, the best in graphics file format conversion
- KarenWare - cool Windows utilities with VB source code (Karen Kenworthy's Power Tools)
- KeyBlock by Phord Software - for computers placed in public places
- KNOPPIX - boot and run Linux from a CD
- Learning Tree International - excellent computer science short courses
- Linux - open source UNIX
- Linux Documentation Project
- Linux kernel swear counts - those silly programmers
- LitePC - create stripped down versions of Windoze, especially useful for critical systems
- The Machine Room - old computer database
- Microsoft DLL Help Database - resolve Windows file version conflicts
- Microsoft Typography - match fonts to the products that installed them
- Modem Doctor - download this excellent troubleshooting tool
- Nero - the ultimate CD burner
- NullModem.Com - how to make those special cross communication cables
- Obsolete Computer Museum - I've got two of these and one of these if you're interested
- O'Reilly - computer books and UNIX documentation
- The OS Files - a comprehensive listing of operating systems, installation info and secrets
- - computer cables and networking supplies (linked by request)
- PC Lube & Tune - technical reference material
- PC Guide! - everything you always wanted to know, a great hardware reference
- PC Hardware Links - detailed info on older 486/586 processors
- PC Mechanic - excellent detailed hardware information
- The PC's Parallel Port - everything you always wanted to know...
- PC Pitstop - try the free PC tune-up diagnostics
- PC Watchdog - get it for your 24/7 PCs
- pdf995 - create PDFs for free
- Photoshop Tips & Tricks - applicable to other graphic programs as well
- PKZIP for Windows
- The Pocket Calculator Show - stuff only nerds can appreciate
- Price Watch - find the lowest street prices on components
- Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer? - can you tell the difference?
- RAID Tutorial and Benchmarks - choose the best way to safeguard your server data
- .: rate my network diagram :.
- Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal - a humorous look at the past
- RealVNC - a free cross-platform remote control app similar to pcAnywhere
- The Register - cutting edge computer news
- Richard's PS Junk Page - PostScript info and links
- RS232 Specifications - thorough coverage by Lammert Bies
- - computer news satire
- Simtel - freeware and shareware
- Slashdot - news for nerds, stuff that matters
- Stroud's CWSApps - the original Internet software resource
- System Optimization PC Hardware and Performance Guide - real nuts and bolts information
- Systems Internals - excellent programmer's utilities for Windows
- Tasty Bits from the Technology Front - Internet SNAFU
- - all the best free and open source software on one CD
- TECHNO BABBLE - hardware overclocking and software tweaking
- TigerDirect - a good source for components
- TinyApps.Org - very small software for your PC
- Tom's Hardware Guide - detailed information on CPU over-clocking, motherboards etc.
- Trish's Escape from Hardware Hell - computer help
- TUCOWS - reviews and ratings of software downloads
- Tweakit Hardware Reference Site - detailed information on CPU's, memory, video cards etc.
- Twinto - tweaks, info and tools (linked by request)
- VirtualDub - a cool free AVI editor
- VMware - run Linux in Windows or visa versa!
- WebSE - test drive a vintage Macintosh SE running System 7.0
- Webshots - free wallpaper and screen savers
- WinBook - high performance/low cost laptops
- - articles and tutorials
- Windows NT/2000 FAQ - system administrator resources
- Windows RG - Really Good Edition (not!)
- - independent Windows news and information
- WinZip - a must have archive utility
- Wired News
- XXCOPY - a greatly improved version of XCOPY
Health & Home
- A Beginner's Guide to HTML - an oldie but goodie
- - the most complete domain name search and lookup service on the Internet
- AnyBrowser Pages - the campaign for a non-browser specific WWW
- - bypass annoying compulsory web site registrations
- - for web developers
- The Censorware (.net .org .com ?) Project - what you don't know can't hurt you right?
- Cheap Domain Registration - as low as $6.75 (linked by request)
- CNET Internet Services - a complete guide to access, hosting and ISPs
- Deja Vu - surf the web as it would have appeared in the early days
- DNS Stuff - tools including reverse lookup, WHOIS, tracert, and more
- - link your home computer's dynamic IP to a static logical address
- Electronic Frontier Foundation - dedicated to preserving your right to surf the net
- eScan Web Partners Site Scanning Service (linked by request)
- Browser Archive - crusty browsers, download the original NCSA Mosaic!
- FileZilla - a great open source FTP client/server... supports HTTP proxy servers
- Flash Developer dot nl - Flash, XML and SVG resources (linked by request)
- - could I interest you in some overpriced Silicon Valley real estate?
- Ghost Sites - dead web sites
- Hints for Web Authors - platform-independent web design philosophy
- History Of The Internet - finally someone gets it right
- HTML Code Tutorial (linked by request)
- HTML Goodies - great reference material
- HTML Home Page - the definitive guide from the W3C
- I(2) Drive - secure online storage (linked by request)
- Internet Acronyms Dictionary - WTF?
- Internet Archive - a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form
- The Internet Archive Wayback Machine - surf backwards in time!
- Internet Assigned Numbers Authority - the nuts and bolts of the Internet like port numbers
- Internet Domain Survey - Internet host statistics
- - Internet technology news and information
- The Internet Engineering Task Force - the architects of Internet
- Internet FAQ Archives - a wealth of information from Usenet, check them out
- - information about the Open Internet
- Internet Traffic Report
- InterNIC - as official as it gets, the Internet's Network Information Center
- JavaScript Learning Center - an excellent free tutorial
- The List - of Internet service providers
- MIT distribution site for PGP - everything you need for Pretty Good Privacy
- MIT Student Association for Freedom of Expression - check out Censor-bait (nice URL)
- - Netscape's open source browser effort
- NetMechanic - link testing, HTML validation
- - static DNS for your dynamic IP
- NTP: The Network Time Protocol - keeping the Internet on time
- and - the definitive source for Perl, great for CGI scripting
- Promotion 101 - web site marketing and promotion info
- QuirksMode - useful information on using JavaScript like object detection
- - web site promotion and validation services (linked by request)
- Smiley Lore :-)
- STIMULUS Internet 101 - basic Internet training
- TCP/IP Frequently Asked Questions - a wealth of Internet knowledge
- TelcoRock - telecommunications equipment, jobs and industry info (linked by request)
- - email reality check
- The UnOfficial Smiley FAQ(tm) :-)
- Useless Pages - a "waste of electrons"
- W3C - an industry consortium that promotes web standards
- W3C HTML Validation Service - check you HTML code for accuracy
- The Web Design Group - info on creating non-browser specific sites
- Webmonkey - a great web developer's resource
- web pages that suck - really bad HTML programming
- - web authoring tips and tutorials for developers
- The Well - the original online community
- WestLake Internet Training - web development courses (linked by request)
- - tells you exactly that
- What's Hot and Cool - eclectic links (outdated)
- Whirly Wiry Web - neat net code
- WHOIS Lookup - want to know who registered
Local (Antelope Valley/Southern California)
- 4D Model: Tesseract - trippy, adjust yz and xz to zero and you'll see what I mean
- Air Traffic Control System Command Center - real-time airport status, flight delays
- - cool posters, prints, photos and frames
- Art Gallery Worldwide (linked by request)
- Cave of Magic - neat trick, see if you can figure out how it works
- Cool Quiz! - trivia, quizzes, puzzles, jokes, useless knowledge, FUN!
- Dancing Dragon - cool dragon stuff
- - funny pictures and jokes
- DRUDGE REPORT - independent news
- Dryden Research Aircraft Gallery
- Ely area Web Cams - check out the raven, wolf and moose cams (linked by request)
- Everything - you could get lost for days in here
- Famous Mensa Members - from Encarta
- Fotosearch - search stock photography, illustration, and video footage (linked by request)
- - free business magazines
- - if it's free, they list it
- Free IQ Test
- Free Trade Magazine Source (linked by request)
- Intuitor Hexadecimal Headquarters - home of the hex clock
- Iroquois Tobacco Direct - cheap cigarettes
- Jägermeister - good stuff
- Kryptos Sculpture - an enigma in the CIA's own front yard
- Lisa Konrad - a fellow dragon lover and an excellent artist
- Lots of Jokes
- Meteors, Meteorites and Impacts - visitors from outer space
- MIT OpenCourseWare - free classes
- Motel 6 - what can I say, it's a bed and a light
- MySolitaire - diamond jewelry (linked by request)
- Nancy Chien-Eriksen - neat fantasy art
- - save up to 70% every day
- Puzzability - has online puzzles to solve
- The Rasterbator - blow up your pics
- Restaurant Franchise (linked by request)
- SKM of Maniago, Italy - your source for switchblades and stilettos
- TAC Tidbits - interesting stuff
- ThinkGeek - high tech toys
- Tommy's List of Live Cams Worldwide - more Internet cameras
- Travelocity - works for me
- Travelroomers - alternative free travel accommodation listings (linked by request)
- - free Flash games, funny pictures, and greeting cards
- What does your phone number spell? - try it!
- The Wizard of Odds - gambling strategies (an oxymoron perhaps?)
Off the Wall
- Acronym Finder
- Anagram Genius - the definitive anagram site
- The Associated Press - breaking news
- Canonical Abbreviation/Acronym List - DILLIGAF!
- Convert - a comprehensive free unit conversion program by Josh Madison
- - look it up here
- DigitalGlobe - high-resolution earth imaging, check out the image gallery
- Directorate of Time - the official source of time used in the United States
- Earth and Moon Viewer - satellite imagery from The Living Earth
- eFunda - engineering fundamentals like units and formulas, a huge reference
- GlobeXplorer - high resolution earth imagery similar to TerraServer
- Hazmat Safety - from the DOT
- ibiblio - a conservancy of freely available information, including software, music, and more
- Information Please - searchable almanacs, encyclopedia and dictionary
- Internet Public Library - stuff like newspapers of the world and more
- Librarians' Index to the Internet
- Library of Congress - check out the Virtual Reference Shelf
- MapQuest!
- Map-Related Web Sites
- Martindale's 'The Reference Desk' - an amazing collection... check out Calculators On-Line
- Marv Klotz's Utilities - home shop, mathematical and utility software
- Merriam-Webster - the definitive online dictionary and thesaurus
- - over 1.5 million data sheets (linked by request)
- Murphy's Laws and Corollaries - what goes up...
- NewsLink - links to news media
- OSHWEB - index of occupational safety and health resources
- - superstitions database
- Public Records from
- The Quotations Page - the oldest quotation site on the web
- RhymeZone - type in a word to find its rhymes, synonyms, and more
- Sizes - everything from bolts to wire and all kinds of other useful reference data
- Space Imaging - advanced satellite imagery
- - encyclopedia of Western signs and ideograms
- Thomas Register - just like those awful books only better!
- TerraServer - see my work and my home from space (circa 1994)
- USPS - ZIP Code Lookup and Address Information
- UM Weather - all things weather
- Vermont SIRI - safety information resources, links to MSDS pages
- Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia you can contribute to
- The WWW Virtual Library
- Yahoo! Maps - lookup an address and get driving instructions
Science & Technology
- A fun talk on teleportation - stop making sense
- Allied High Tech Products, Inc. - products for metallographic, SEM & TEM sample preparation
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research
- Air Force Research Laboratory - the Air Force "super" laboratory
- AFRL Propulsion Directorate - the Air Force center for propulsion science and technology
- Edwards Research Site - where I spend my waking hours aka the Rocket Propulsion Laboratory
- Aerotech News and Review - Southern California Aerospace and Defense Industry News
- ANSI - American National Standards Institute
- ASME MEMS Subdivision - microelectromechanical systems
- ASM International - American Society for Metals, lots of materials resources
- ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- American Chemical Society
- Aviation Week - industry news
- Base Peak - Mass Spectrometry resources
- Bid-Service - used and refurbished scientific equipment (linked by request)
- Capovani Brothers Inc. - used scientific equipment
- Chemical Propulsion Information Agency - news, events, and links from John Hopkins University
- COSMIC - NASA's Software Technology Transfer Center
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
- DoD SBIR & STTR - the Defense Department's Small Business incentive programs
- Duniway - a great source for used scientific equipment, especially vacuum pumps
- Edmund Scientific - optics and more
- Fisher Scientific - laboratory equipment and chemicals
- LABX - new and used lab equipment (linked by request)
- MELVYL - via the California Digital Library
- Intelligent Micromachine Initiative - MEMS technology at Sandia National Laboratories
- ISO - International Standards Organization
- Invention Master Resource List
- Johnstone Associates - used vacuum and process equipment
- Materials Research Society
- MatWeb - material properties database
- McMaster-Carr Supply Company - industrial supplies
- MKS Instruments - precision UHV equipment
- Molecules R US - molecular structure data
- NanoNet - Nanotechnology resources
- Nanophase - check out their nanocrystalline materials info
- Nanotechnology - lots of links!
- NASA Technical Report Server
- National Science Foundation - science news for kids
- NIST Physics Laboratory - check out the physical reference data
- The Nobel Prize Internet Archive - a comprehensive list of all the winners
- Pat2PDF - converts patents to PDF
- Performance Materials Net (linked by request)
- Periodic Table - including element properties and more (linked by request)
- - polymer resources
- Powers of Ten - an awesome virtual journey to innerspace
- Research & Development Magazine
- SciCentral - science links
- Scientific American
- Sigma-Aldrich - chemicals
- - space news, games, entertainment and science fiction
- Space Frontier Foundation - champions for the privatization of space
- Space Transportation - NASA's RLV programs
- Space Vehicles News Releases - from the AFRL's Space Vehicles Directorate
- STM Image Gallery - Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- - fiber optic, lab, networking & test equipment (linked by request)
- Swagelok - fluid system components
- TechExpo - hi-tech company and product info
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Database - full text and images
- Varian - UHV equipment
- WebElements - periodic table database
- The WWW Virtual Library: Aerospace
- The WWW Virtual Library: Optical Science & Engineering
Wheels / links
� Copyright 1995-2007 Thomas G. Duffey All rights reserved.
